Spring Snow

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Lightroom Exercises

I just recently got the hardware and software up and running to post-process my pictures. As I do not like to see images “manufactured” by adding different backgrounds or skies, I did not download Photoshop— just Lightroom to brighten, sharpen [or soften], the look I captured. Here are my first two experiments with post-work…..still learning. I actually just got started!!

there will be many more as I hone the skills and take time to sort through thousands of captures for the “good stuff”

Enjoy the winter weather!!!

Winter Wonderland???

Those from down South think that “winter” is when the shorts and tee’s are retired for some jeans and a light jacket or sweatshirt!! Oh you poor disillusioned souls! Let me introduce you to Nebraska winters…….

Frosty morning sun

I will give you a few tidbits about Nebraska winters, they are strange in some ways but certainly unpredictable. These images are taken in and around my residence, as I am prone to stay put in winter, why would I want to venture out? I am a Texan, SOUTH Texas has been my home for 20 years, and Arizona before that. Cold is not on the menu here folks!!

Lonely fireplug

You would surmise that winters in Nebraska are bitterly cold. And many days they are, but at times the mercury will rise to above 40 degrees, as it is today while I edit this post!! Mid- January!! But last week there were “blizzard” warnings that caused transportation services to cancel reservations and send office workers home. It is, as stated, unpredictable.

We will explore some of these episodes from history, and view some “chilling” images as we go.

Who goes walking in this?

January 12, 1888, started off as a warm day. Children and teachers left their homes without winter attire, excited for the sun and ready for studies. The warmth came after several days of bitter cold. Spirits were high until a sudden blizzard struck Nebraska that afternoon. The temperature dropped, bitter winds swept through the plains, and snow fell continuously, creating a white wall that was near impossible to see through.

Snow covered evergreens

In November of 1948, another historic winter struck Nebraska. No one expected they would spend from November to April snowed in. The day began mild, but soon old Jack Winter swept through the state in full force, trapping people in their homes, closing roads, forcing trains to stop running, and killing livestock. President Truman ended up declaring a state of emergency in January. Much livestock died from what would become known as The Worst Winter Ever. Farmers and ranchers suffered massive losses and the economy took a huge hit.

Our Neighborhood

On Jan. 9, 1975, a storm started sweeping through the United States. On Jan. 10, it reached Nebraska with rare January tornados, more than a foot of snow, and record-low barometric pressure. Winds reached up to 50 miles per hour and there was little to no visibility outside

On Oct. 31, 1991, Trick-or-Treaters were dismayed when Halloween ended up being canceled as freezing temperatures rolled in. Ice fell, covering the streets and homes in a solid sheet. Then 5.7 inches of snow followed. Oct. 24-26, 1997 heavy snowfall and drastic temperatures hit eastern Nebraska. Onlyinyourstate.com stated that thousands of trees were damaged, hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses were without power, and Halloween was canceled.

The icicles can get mighty big at times, making a noisy crash as they melt to release from the eves.

With Nebraska weather being as unpredictable as it is and our history with blizzards, is it any wonder why people rush to the stores, buying out the essentials, when a snowstorm is on the radar? The next time you are stuck inside with your family while Jack Frost throws a temper tantrum, remember that things could be much worse and thank the Creator for the time you get to spend with your loved ones.

Nebraska Christian Schools Admin building

I will add a Nebraska winter scenes that I did not capture just to help you fully grasp the beauty and also the potential severity of our weather.

NCHS, as we called it back when I attended, a glorious historic building stands above snow encrusted trees on the campus. A blizzard in 1970 or ’71 {not sure what month that winter} trapped all us in the Mens Dormitory for several hours as we “dug” our way out the doorway. Such memories of younger days!

Snowy tree covered lane
Stranded vehicles along the roads are common after huge drifting snowfalls

Now I present a winter scene for my friends on the Gulf Coast…….happy winter amigos!

Fishermen are very dedicated.

Decorate the Halls

So here we are, its nearly Christmas again. No parades here in the “corn Belt” but…. they do seem to decorate quite a bit. I “wandered” around the property a little with my trusty camera bag, and managed to capture a few images.

I will share them with you all and say “Merry Christmas” and have a glorious New Year.

A few nice ornaments on the community tree will follow with a couple more.

What would Christmas be without poinsettia?? This image of the white blooms stands out to me, so I will share it.

Being in “the West” you see some historic decorations, this halter hane is nicely done, and “decks the hall” near me. Couldn’t resist snapping the shutter!!

And of course, we must have some wreaths……..it just wouldn’t be right!!

Arent they really nice??? I especially like the blue one, on the door a dear friend.

Wishing all a Merry Christmas!! And a glorious New Year in 2023!!

We All Love A Parade…Even at Christmas Time

It seems that the usual time for parades are July 4th, or Veterans Day; BUT, not in Missouri city, Texas!! They decided to celebrate the Holiday Season with floats and dance troops, politicians etc. Let me share with you some of the best images of the show from 2019 as I’m sure the restrictions would not allow such community activities this year!!.

The action starts with the local law enforcement, Missouri City Police Department, working to keep the residents and their property safe. Lights and sirens going of course so we all know the event is beginning.

Numerous civic groups and local parochial schools bring floats and groups to walk the route. Veterans are well represented.

Look whats coming up!! the curious beasty seems to be in the Christmas spirit with those green antlers!!

Little ones all dressed out in their “cheer class” outfits, making Mothers proud!! LOOK! Theres your mother!!

Moms, dance troupe instructors, or politicians on the stump, I cant remember which. But waving to the spectators is just proper parade ettiquete!!

The theme of one group was obviously the Star Wars movies. They did a very good job with these costumes in my opinion. And then there was Tony!!! He was in the mix of the many dance troops, several who had some quite young students as you can see.

TONY the tiger,

young dance trooper!!

More young folks rode along and helped wave to the crowds. Maybe their little feet were tired and they moved to the vehicles?? Certainly looks like shes having a good time!! Antlers seem to be in vogue today!!

In the spirit with those antlers

Of course it just wouldnt be a Christmas event without Old Saint Nick to wave and huff out the usuual…. “Ho Ho Ho”!!

And what do the crowds do during the mad “rush” to get out and away? Well, play with their ball, or take a brother for a cruise in his chair of course.

And then it was time to go back home and wait in anticipation of the night that the magic happens……… MERRY CHRISTMAS YA’LL

Sharing Landscape, Regretting “Flatland”


I wish we had scenes like this here in “flat land”. Check the link above to one of Kevin’s captures. I follow his blog, sometimes I see a piece which inspires or motivates.

Posey’s on the streets

I’ve determined that I’ll be trekking down to the river this spring a d summer to do wildlife captures… Stunning mountain landscapes just aren’t in the possibilities.

Old hotel

I did get some blooms this past fall that I’ve selected a couple for here. These were with a Samsung A10 cellular. Just spotted a likely subject but had only the phone along with that day.

Mural depicting 1800’s

So enjoy Kevin’s spectacular misty, wonderful, ridged a d valley’s. And these “snapshots” from around town. It will have to do for a bit. Merry Christmas Ya’ll!!

Beautiful blossums

Hello from the Bread Basket USA

So it has been some time since i tickled the keyboards…. mostly due to a 7 state migration from down in Dixie and the land of NASCAR (couldnt go, KungFuFlu and all) way up and west to the middle of the country.

Gateway to the West, Mississippi River bridge

Safely across the big river into “the West” we traveled the highways through the fields, bringing two families and myself basically back to “old home town” . My Dad followed a couple weeks later.

The Corn Belt

During this period, camping out at sisters, i had no access to the web to “work” and go to school. And just as we got hooked up, my laptop was damaged, ran a bit in fits, and then gave its last breath. So then i moved again into MY own place and another waiting game to have modem/router installed. Now. FINALLY, a borrowed computer and full speed WIFI i will begin my workflow again. Will bring you more of my “shutterbug adventure”.

Older “city house”

I mowed and landscaped that old property about 50 years ago. Some things have not changed. Of course many have made drastic upgrades. Like a Dairy Queen and a Pizza Hut. But the “inner city” mostly remains as memory records it. It is nicely decorated with many blooming planters, i will post another article of floral delights.

Being in the center of “bread basket” country, of course this is largely an Agriculture community. Skyline is grain elevators, railroad goes through the middle of town, and the “smell of prosperity” (livestock excrement) is common on the streets. Bib overalls are almost formal wear.

Harvest in full swing, grain and livestock move by truck.

So until winter arrives we will enjoy the sights (and smells) of Central City. And continue to hunt out subjects to “shoot” and share with y’all……

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